Friday, June 27, 2008

Thursday, June 26, 2008

BEWARE - Kisshu

Hahahaha! This one kinda freaks me out! It's so funny though! Hahaha! I love it! I was laughing my head off when I was in the process of making it! Ha!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Cat Ichigo~1

Now you get DOUBLE the cuteness! Kitty-cat Ichigo and her CLONE. DUN DUN DUUUUUN. Ha.


I enjoyed making this picture. I like how it turned out, even though I didn't change any of the colors or anything.


I have NO idea why I did this. I guess I just got a little bored and wanted to fool with his hair :P. I also fooled with his eyes... I love that color. lol.


Aaaaaaaah. This one kinda scares me. lol.

Metal-Haired Zakuro Wolf

Heehee. Her metal hair looks AWEFULLY heavy! Not only did I change her hair to "chrome", but I also changed her ears and her tail to stand out a little more. I origionally only made changes to the ears but then the tail didn't quite fit so I changed that too. The pink for her ears origionally expanded all the way across her head and connected the ears together with pink, and to change that, I had to blend the chrome in with the pink to make it look more... normal.

Kishu~1 (2)

I bought an $80 program yesterday, and I was just fooling around with the picture I had made a couple days before and came up with this!

Pudding & Taru-taru! ~1

Ha ha! Aren't they cute? Well look at that, a good guy.. girl... and a bad guy. Ha. That's funny.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Zakuro Wolf~2

This one was a... little bit hard to make, but with patients, I was able to do it. I had to clone Zakuro and then place her "clones" elsewhere on the photo, as you can see, but the opacity getting lighter each time.

Zakuro Wolf~1

I like this image a lot, mostly the fact because it's plain and simple but then again complicated at the same time.

Mew Mews~1

Awwww! Aren't they cute?


Hey, isn't this cool?! Today I just bought an $80 program that allows me to fool around with pictures and create an even more astonishing photo than the first!

Charcoal Ichigo

This one was VERY simple to do. I just clicked one button and I was done, but I still thought it looked kind of cool so I kept it.

Tokyo Mew Mew - Stand in the Rain

This video was my first serious-made one that I had made for YouTube, and I thought it turned out rather well. It took me a while to do because I had to add in all the effects and record the sound of their voices at parts. Without the voices, this video didn't seem complete. My user name is "BlackbuckTwilight" on YouTube if you ever want to search up any of my other videos.

Monday, June 23, 2008

The Angel and the Devil

Ha ha. This one was kinda fun to do. When I looked at this picture, it, for some reason, reminded me of the angel and the devil so that's exactly what I did!

Left - Pudding

Right - Taruto

~Kisshu~ 1

This is the first picture I made. I was just experimenting and figured out that I could do all of this cool stuff to it and that's what made me want to put it online! I think it turned out rather well considering I didn't even take a minute to do it and it was my first time! :D